
Space Goofs: Danni's Revenge Ch. 8

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The next morning, Candy whipped up a big breakfast for the entire household and its guests; "Hey," Danni inquired. "What's Cecil doing, sleeping on the floor, there???"
"Search me," Bob shrugged. "He was sleeping in the room we shared, when I went to bed." Bob then walked over to his sleeping brother, nudged him with his foot, and said, "Cecil, get up; it's morning."
"Mmm... already...?" Cecil yawned sleepily.
"What were you doing, sleeping there, anyway?" Danni asked.
"Uh? Oh, I was sleepwalking." Cecil explained with a nervous smile, not wanting anyone to find out that he was going to get rid of Etno, last night.
"Oh, maybe some tryptophan might help, tonight?" Danni asked.
"Oh, well, I'm not sure about taking... whatever that was you said." Cecil insisted, slowly.
"Tryptophan, Cecil," Robert Sr. explained. "An amino acid which is commonly found in turkey, and also sold as a sleep aid, and it will get rid of your sleepwalking."
"Father, I swear," Cecil chuckled nervously. "I'm fine, now!"

A few seconds, later, (*BANG!!!*); "What was that?!" Candy gasped in a startled manner.
"Oh no..." Danni gasped in fear, after hearing a familiar maniacal laugh.
"Who is that?" Bob asked.
"That's Tabitha!" Bud explained in a fearful tone of voice.
"You don't mean the Tabitha that Dr. Prescott wants to get revenge on, do you?" Bob asked as a bigger explosion occurred, outside (*BANG!!!*).
"That's the one," Danni replied in a shaky voice, going upstairs, to the attic, along with the other residents. "But here's a bigger question: how the heck did she find out that I live here, now?!"

"Come on," Tabitha's voice barked to other scientists, outside. "There's gotta be an explosive that makes a bigger boom than that!"
"What kind of explosives does she have???" one of Stereo's heads asked once the residents made it to the attic window. 
"Uh... it's hard to tell..." Danni replied, squinting her eyes and adjusting her glasses. "Uh, where are the binoculars?"
"Got 'em." Gorgious replied, handing the scientist a pair of binoculars.
"What's all the fuss about?" Judith asked as her family entered the attic.
"Gunpowder, TNT, ANFO, dynamite," Danni gasped worriedly. "Oh, this is more serious than I thought..."
"What is so serious?" Cecil asked, about to grab the binoculars.
"Let me see!" Bob interjected, grabbing the binoculars, back.
"I got here first!" Cecil began to argue.
"Uh... guys?" Berri began to warn; as the magenta alien looked through a telescope, she saw Tabitha ready to push a detonation button. "HIT THE DECK!!!" she screamed.

Finally, there came a loud (*BOOM!!!*), as everyone in the attic got down on the floor. "Yes!" Tabitha shouted in victory. "C-4 makes the biggest boom!"
"That's what is so serious!" Danni snapped at the Terwilliger brothers.
"Mama Mia!" Francesca gasped in fear.
"Quello che una signora media!" Gino agreed. "What a mean lady!"
"Downright vulgar is what she is!" Judith sneered.
"All we need to do now, is put the C-4 inside one of those rocket thingies," Tabitha announced. "Light it with a fuse, and shoot that skinny, crazy, four-eyed Prescott into the air, and she'll blow up!"
"See how dumb she is?" Danni said to the Terwilligers. "You can't use C-4 as rocket fuel, let alone light it with a fuse!" 
"Now I see why you want to kill her." Robert Sr. sneered.
"I want to teach that madwoman a lesson!" Bob growled, clenching his fists in anger.
"What does that Tabitha have against you, anyway, Danni?" Cecil asked.
"Oh, it's not just me she's after," Danni began to explain, now looking grim. "She's after ALL people who believe aliens exist, and all people who are deemed insane."

At that, the entire Terwilliger family screamed in fear; "She sounds worse than I thought!" Bob gasped.
"She made an attempt to kill me, many times," Danni began, slowly turning sinister. "For the past five years. "And all that time, I wanted to get revenge!" she continued.
"Hmm, I've been plotting revenge for over 25 years," Bob recalled. "And yet, you have worse problems than I."
"The sooner the revenge begins," Judith replied. "The better."
Ah, here's where the Terwilliger family finds out whom they're up against, and they also find out that Tabitha is a lot more evil than the whole family, combined! And, yes, it's true: it is impossible to make C-4 detonate by using a fuse, and it's also impossible to use it as rocket fuel. The explosive in C-4 is RDX, and, in order to set off RDX, you need a blasting cap, nothing else.

The Terwilliger family belongs to: Matt Groening/Fox Studios

Stereo, Candy, and Gorgious belong to: Xilam Studios

Betty belongs to: :iconxxmajestyvaldorexx:

Berri belongs to: :iconlillytheseedrian:

Danni and Tabitha belong to: Me

Chapter 9:…
© 2016 - 2024 Lizlovestoons12
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NatalieTheAntihero's avatar
After I read about 4 chapters, it's getting to be more interesting now. I wish you didn't need to take so long to get to the good parts. ^^;